Designing, Creating and Protecting Your Brand Logo

What are Logos

A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol used to aid and promote public identification and recognition. It may be of an abstract or figurative design or include the text of the name it represents as in a wordmark. When creating a logo, it is imperative to develop and adopt a symbol or other design that symbolizes the brand of your business and what it represents. Your logo should be thoughtful, inspirational, meaningful, and personable to you and your brand.

What is the Purpose of a Logo

Logos are intended to be the face of your brand, company, or business. They visually communicate to customers the unique identity of the brand and help your customers identify your business among industry competitors and influence. Also, a great logo gives a great first impression. Designed with a concept and strategy of a professional. A good logo makes it easier to build your brand. Your logo will help you to project a professional image.

Protecting Your Brand

Since trademarks are used to identify a company or brand, it makes the most sense to file for trademark protection on the brand name, logo, or image. By doing this, you can keep other people from using your logo, or one that is confusingly similar, to sell the same or similar things that you are selling. Trademarks protect anything that is perceived as confusingly similar in its sight, sound, or meaning to your consumer. So, if you are investing in a brand image, you should seek a trademark registration to protect it. However, your image may also qualify for copyright protection as well. 

Inspiration Behind the BABE Logo

The infinity symbol has an ancient understanding as to the symbol of perfection, duality, and empowerment. The symbol signifies the concept of limitlessness or eternity. The doves represent the most profound depth of peace. Its representation soothes and quiets our worrisome thoughts, enabling us to find renewal in the silence of the mind. The dove's role as a spirit messenger and a liaison imparts an inner peace that helps us go about our lives calmly and with purpose.

A wise woman told me, “your life determines your destiny.” My grandmother, Chief Apostle Dr. Mildred Snipes, is that wise woman. Her words continue to guide me. I walk daily knowing that every move I take and every decision I make, whether positive or negative, will determine the outcome I will face.

Babe's logo symbolizes a reminder that I create my destiny and set my standards. My life has indefinite purpose despite the standards society place upon me and the issues and struggles that I endure as a black woman.

It is a daily reminder that I will remain true to who I am. I will walk with pride, grace, peace, and humbleness while being BOLDLY AUTHENTIC & BEAUTIFULLY ELEGANT in all aspects of my life.

What symbols, quotes, words, or person inspire, motivate, or drive you to fulfill your purpose every day and in life? What or who represents the path you have chosen to take?

For more information on Trademarking your logo, protecting your brand and building your business’s intellectual property portfolio, contact BABE today.